ARMY Workshops: Course Descriptions
1. Army Budget Update – ASA (FM&C) DASA-Army BudgetTimes: (1400-1515) (1545-1700) Location: TBD
Mr. Davis S. Welch This workshop will provide a current overview of the Defense Department’s FY 2019 budget request, a look forward to FY 2020 and beyond, and potential future alternative funding profiles. The FY 2019 budget information will include a discussion of the political/economic context, any congressional action to date, strategic themes and priorities, and the key initiatives in the budget. The workshop will also address the status of FY 2018 budget execution.
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2. Army Finance and Comptroller support to Large-Scale Ground Combat; D-Day to Today ASA (FM&C) Chief, Strategic Initiatives Group Times: (1400-1515) (1545-1700) Location: TBD
Colonel Nicholas LaSala, Jr. This workshop will discuss "Army Finance and Comptroller support to Large-Scale Ground Combat; D-Day to Today". An historical journey from Operation Overlord to the Army's refocus to Multi-Domain Operations and Large-scale ground combat. How Finance and Comptroller provides capability to commanders on the battlefield and their role in the Fiscal Stewardship of the unit.
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3. Support to Army’s Audit and Compliance Missions - USAFMCOMTimes: (1400-1515) (1545-1700) Location: TBD
Ms. Denise Gallion, Mr. Chris Reynolds, Ms. Andrea Vinson This workshop will touch on how USAFMCOM currently supports Army's audit and compliance missions. We will demonstrate the current training capability available to GFEBS end users Army wide at the basic ECC/BI, intermediate ECC, and intermediate BI levels. The break out session will give a brief overview current and future course offerings as well as provide an expedited walk through of training offered at USAFMCOM. Specific topics include: creating a WBS, funding a budget address, PR processing, and contract award. We will also give a brief overview and example of various reports available in GFEBS. The presentation will be conducted using the GFEBS training database (TED) as well as the production environment. Also, Business Process Standardization (BPS) will be conducting a demonstration of the Army Process Portal (APP) which is a one-stop shop designed to provide access to the latest information on BPS and Army business process standard documentation that are most significant to a full financial statement audit.
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4. Road to Achieving Auditability – Army Materiel Command Times: (1400-1515) (1545-1700) Location: TBD
Ms. Susan J. Goodyear Army Materiel Command is leading the Army on the Army Working Capital Fund audit and has been given the goal to reach an audit opinion in FY20. Discussion will be centered around not only the financial statement audit, but Plant, Property and Equipment such as, inventory, General Equipment, Real Property, and Information Technology successes and challenges trying to get a $14B business to a position of success for audit.
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5. Resourcing Army Modernization - Army Futures Command Times: (1400-1515) (1545-1700) Location: TBD
Colonel Keith E. IgyartoThis workshop will introduce the Army’s newest ACOM, Army Futures Command (AFC). The workshop will provide an overview of the AFC HQ’s, its composition and that of its subordinate organizations focusing on Cross Functional Teams (CFTs) and the Army Applications Lab (AAL). This will serve as the basis for the discussion of how AFC will manage and prioritize multiple appropriations to improve the Army’s Future Force Modernization Enterprise (FFME) in a period of constrained resources and a rapidly evolving, multi-domain threat.
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